I am honoured and privileged to be the Principal of Centennial ’67 Public School.
I am pleased to work with our students, parents, staff and the community to make Centennial’67 the best school it can be. I am committed to leading the school with enthusiasm and passion to allow us to reach for the stars.
At Centennial ’67 Public School we will continue to develop and enhance a school that:
• Provides a rich learning environment that is safe and caring and meets the needs of all learners
• Focuses on the development of the whole child
• Strives to deliver the highest academic standards
• Reflects the values of the community and involves the community in learning
• Develops authentic partnerships that value each child
• Personalizes learning for each child
• Prepares students for the world of tomorrow
I have an open door policy and urge all those with inquiries to take the opportunity to discuss them with me.
Your partner in education,
Leann Bruley
Updated September 2020